The tags attached around the ankles of new-born babies may provide one of the most significant forms of NHS personal memorabilia. In the past, the handwritten nature of tags emphasised the personal nature of these objects. Many parents have held on to baby tags. We would like to know more about the emergence of this practice, the changing nature of the tags, and the history of how these objects have been held on to within families. Recently there has been a move towards electronic tagging, with an increased emphasis on the importance of security in hospitals.
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My daughter was born in 1982 and I still have her name tag
Ah how fascinating! We’d love to see a picture, if you’d be happy to share it at all? We’re interested in looking at how these baby tags have changed visually over time – were they always pink and blue, for example?
Great idea. I have kept some unused tags. Unused because I birthed two of my babies at home.
Do we know when roughly they started to tag babies.